Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Pune

If you are looking for a hair treatment specialist in Pune, you can discover Dr. Ajinkya Patil at Clinique Internationale clinic. He is highly recognized as the best hair transplant surgeon in Pune, who expertly restores natural hairlines utilizing cutting-edge techniques. With a mastery of both follicular unit extraction and transplantation, he carefully evaluates each individual's unique needs to craft a personalized treatment plan.

Dr. Ajinkya Patil, has an impressive educational background, holding a BDS from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (2015) and an MDS in Oral and maxillofacial Surgery from Rural Dental College Pravara Dental Trust (2021).

His affiliation with the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India underscores his commitment to professional development. With a cumulative experience of 8 years, including 2 years as a specialist, Dr. Patil exemplifies expertise in the field. His specialized knowledge in oral and maxillofacial surgery, coupled with his extensive practical experience, positions him as a reputable figure in the realm of hair transplant surgery.

Experience the ultimate destination for dependable hair loss solutions Dr. Ajinkya Patil's clinic located within Clinique Internationale is Renowned for its exceptional reputation and expert techniques in hair restoration, this clinic guarantees optimal results with personalized care. With a comprehensive approach and access to cutting-edge technology.

Dr. Patil provides tailor-made solutions for every patient. His unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch treatments and compassionate care makes them the leading choice for those seeking effective hair loss solutions. Transform your experience with hair loss and trust in Dr. Ajinkya Patil's clinic at Clinique Internationale.

With a care in harvesting and implanting of hair grafts, he also skillfully recreates density and symmetry for a flawless aesthetic result. Diligent post-operative care and thorough follow-ups enhance the outcome and guarantee patient contentment.

He remains dedicated to innovation and continual learning, remaining at the forefront of the healthcare industry and achieving life-changing results that reinvigorate confidence.

Best Hair Transplant in Pune at Clinique Internationale

In Pune, hair loss and hair fall are common concerns attributed to various factors such as pollution, stress, genetics, and one's lifestyle choices. The city's toxic environmental pollutants and hard water can contribute to weakened hair strands and increased shedding. Furthermore, the fast-paced lifestyle of Pune can result in stress-induced hair fall.

A hair transplant is a highly specialized surgery that relocates hair follicles from a hair-rich area to a region of the scalp suffering from hair loss. This intricate procedure entails carefully extracting hair follicles from a suitable donor site, such as the back or sides of the head, and precisely implanting them in the targeted region. As a result, the transplanted hair follicles stimulate growth in areas that have been affected by alopecia or thinning hair.

Best Hair Transplant in Pune

At Clinique International Clinic, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional hair transplant in Pune through the use of state-of-the-art technology and a team of highly skilled specialists. Through personalized consultations, we carefully evaluate each individual's unique needs and develop customized treatment plans.

Our cutting-edge techniques such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) guarantee natural-looking results and a swift recovery period. We take great pride in our unwavering commitment to excellence, and our patient-centric approach guarantees a smooth and successful hair restoration journey for those seeking effective solutions for hair loss.

Thus, seeking professional guidance from dermatologists is recommended for identifying the underlying cause and finding suitable remedies. Treatment options may involve incorporating dietary adjustments, adopting a healthier lifestyle, using specialized hair care products, or even medical interventions like PRP therapy or hair transplants. It is crucial to implement a balanced diet, manage stress levels, use mild hair care products, and take precautions against pollution to maintain healthy and beautiful hair in Pune.

Techniques of Hair Transplant

There are two main categories of hair transplant procedures: Surgical and Non-surgical techniques.

Surgical Techniques:

  • 1. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

    Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) offers a minimally invasive approach to hair transplantation. By skillfully removing individual hair follicles from the donor area, typically found on the back or sides of the scalp, using a unique punch-like tool, FUE achieves precise results. These follicles are then carefully transplanted into the desired recipient area, promoting hair growth. Unlike traditional transplant methods, FUE does not require a linear incision, resulting in less scarring and a faster recovery time. Its reputation for delivering precise, natural results, and ability to cater to those who desire shorter haircuts post-surgery have contributed to its rise in popularity. FUE is widely favored for its subtle, natural approach to hair restoration, making it a preferred choice for many.

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
  • 2. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

    Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a highly effective hair restoration procedure that involves surgically removing a strip of scalp from the donor area and carefully dissecting it into individual follicular units. These units are then expertly transplanted into areas of the scalp that are experiencing hair loss or thinning. Unlike other methods, FUT typically produces a larger number of grafts in a single session. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and may result in a linear scar in the donor area, but this can be easily hidden by surrounding hair. Recovery time may vary and patients may experience some temporary discomfort or swelling. However, FUT is renowned for its success in treating hair loss and providing natural-looking results.

  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

Non-surgical Techniques:

  • 1. Platelet-Rich PlasmaTherapy (PRP)

    Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) therapy harnesses the healing power of a person's platelets to treat a range of conditions. This innovative treatment involves taking a small sample of blood, spinning it in a specialized device to extract the platelets, and then injecting them directly into the affected area. It is thought to boost tissue repair, alleviate inflammation, and aid in the recovery of musculoskeletal injuries, arthritis, hair loss, and certain skin ailments. As with any medical treatment, the success of PRP may vary depending on the individual and their specific condition.

  • 2. Laser Light Therapy

    Laser light therapy, often used post-hair transplant, aids in recovery and stimulates hair growth. Low-level laser beams penetrate the scalp, enhancing blood flow to hair follicles and promoting cell repair. This non-invasive procedure accelerates healing, reduces inflammation, and encourages thicker, healthier hair growth.

Hair Transplant Cost in Pune

In Pune, the renowned Clinique Internationale provides hair transplant surgeries at a range of prices, usually starting at Rs. 30,000 and going up to Rs. 1,50,000. The overall cost of this procedure may fluctuate based on several factors, such as the specific technique employed, the severity of hair loss, the quantity of grafts needed, and the level of skill and experience possessed by the medical staff.

When it comes to the cost of hair transplant options, the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method tends to fall on the pricier side due to its exceptional accuracy and attention to detail.

On the other hand, the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) technique may offer a more budget-friendly alternative. Remember, factors like the doctors' credentials and experience, the quality of the clinic, and the nurturing aftercare offered can also play a role in the total expense.

Number Of Grafts Average FUE Cost Average FUT Cost Number of Sitting Requires
500- 1000 ₹ 40,000 to ₹ 50,000 ₹ 30,000 to ₹40,000 1
1000-1500 ₹ 50,000 to ₹ 70,000 ₹ 37,000 to ₹ 50,000 1
1500-2000 ₹ 60,000 to ₹ 80,000 ₹ 65,000 to ₹ 80,000 1
2000-2500 ₹75000 to ₹ 1,00,000 ₹ 70,000 to ₹ 95,000 1-2
2500-3000 ₹1,20,000 to ₹1,50,000 ₹ 1,00,000 to ₹ 1,20,000 1-2

The hair transplant cost in Pune can vary due to several factors aside from the basic procedure itself. Some additional factors that can affect the price include:

  • • Extent of Hair Loss: As the extent of hair loss increases, the required number of grafts also increases, resulting in higher costs.
  • • Technique Used: Each procedure, such as FUT or FUE, may have different costs per graft. It's important to consider these variations when deciding on a technique.
  • • Surgeon’s Experience: Experienced surgeons command higher rates for their expertise and esteemed reputation.
  • • Clinic Reputation: Clinics with a strong reputation may charge more due to their track record and quality of service.
  • • Pre-operative Tests: Costs might include pre-surgery tests and consultations.

Looking for a hair transplant in Pune? At Clinique Internationale, you can expect to pay anywhere from Rs.40,000 to Rs.1,50,000 for a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure. The exact price is determined by the number of grafts needed, with most surgeries requiring between 500 to 3000 grafts. Keep in mind that the total cost may also be affected by individual factors like the severity of hair loss and your desired results.

Located in Pune, the renowned Clinique Internationale offers FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) procedures with a price range spanning from Rs.30,000 to Rs.1,20,000. The cost of the procedure depends on the number of grafts required, usually ranging from 500 to 3000. Each patient undergoes a customized evaluation to accurately determine their individual needs and the corresponding hair transplant cost in Pune.

Disclaimer: It's important for individuals considering a hair transplant to consult with the clinic directly, as costs can vary based on individual circumstances and treatment plans.

Hair Transplant Treatment we offer at Clinique Internationale

1 .Male Hair Transplant :- When a man undergoes a hair transplant, hair follicles are carefully moved from donor areas, where hair growth is plentiful, to areas with thinning or balding hair. This procedure aims to restore the density of hair and cover up any exposed bald spots, primarily focusing on male pattern baldness.

2 .Female Hair Transplant :- A female hair transplant is a surgical procedure that effectively addresses hair loss in women by relocating hair follicles from areas of strong growth to areas that are experiencing thinning or balding. The process typically commences with the removal of healthy hair from the resilient regions at the back or sides of the scalp, where balding is less likely to occur. These robust follicles are then carefully implanted into the specific areas that are experiencing hair loss.

3 .Beard Hair Transplant :- A beard hair transplant is a procedure that involves transferring hair follicles from one area, typically the back of the scalp, to the face where there is a desire for facial hair growth, such as a beard or mustache. The surgery is done under local anesthesia using either follicular unit extraction or follicular unit transplantation methods.

4 .Eyebrow Hair Transplant :- Experience the transformation of confidence and facial harmony with eyebrow hair transplants. These life-changing procedures expertly embed thriving hair follicles, crafting effortlessly beautiful brows that perfectly frame the face. Not only do these transplants provide an impeccable appearance, but they also elevate self-worth and facial expressions, instilling a newfound radiance and confidence in one's sense of self.

5 .Eyelash Hair Transplant :- Eyelash hair transplant is a meticulous treatment that utilizes hair follicles from various areas of the body to beautify the eyelids. With careful implantation, this procedure aims to enhance the thickness and length of eyelashes. Its purpose is to revitalize or enhance eyelash growth for cosmetic purposes, addressing issues such as thin lashes caused by genetics, injury, or medical procedures.

Why Clinique Internationale is the best choice for Hair Transplant in Pune?

Finding a reliable solution for hair loss is crucial for many residents of Pune, a city plagued by this common problem. With countless options available, Clinique Internationale stands out as the top pick for those seeking exceptional expertise and successful outcomes in the field of hair transplants.

1) Expertise and Experience: - Our skilled professionals, including renowned surgeons and dedicated support staff, collectively ensure that every client receives personalized and cutting-edge solutions tailored to their unique needs.

2) State of the art Facility: - Our commitment to excellence extends to our state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest advancements in hair restoration technology. From advanced surgical suites to comfortable recovery spaces, Clinique Internationale prioritizes a seamless and sophisticated experience for our clients.

3) Comprehensive Consultation: - Before any procedure, our experts take the time to assess the specific needs and expectations of our clients, ensuring a transparent and collaborative approach to hair restoration.

4) Personalize Treatment Plans: - Whether it's a minimally invasive procedure or a more extensive transplant, our commitment to tailored solutions guarantees optimal results.

5) Cutting-Edge Technology: - Our clinic integrates cutting-edge technologies, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, ensuring that our clients benefit from the most innovative and effective treatments available.

6) Exceptional Result: - From natural-looking hairlines to increased hair density, Clinique Internationale takes pride in the transformative impact our treatments have on the lives of those who choose our services.

Stages of Hair Loss

Hair loss follows a pattern of stages, each characterized by noticeable alterations in hair volume, width, and coverage. These stages, known as the Hamilton-Norwood scale for men and the Ludwig scale for women, serve as a comprehensive method for categorizing the advancement of hair loss.

Stage 1: During this stage, there is not any considerable hair loss or a receding hairline. Hair remains thick and there are no visible indications of hair thinning.

Stage 2 : At this stage, there could potentially be a minor recession of the frontal hairline. This occurrence is usually mild and may not be immediately apparent to everyone.

Stage 3 : As the hairline begins to noticeably recede, hair loss becomes increasingly noticeable, resulting in a distinct "M" shape. Additionally, thinning at the crown may also begin to occur.

Stage 4 : As hair loss progresses, the distinct "M" shape becomes more defined and the top of the head experiences significant thinning. This can result in a larger area of hair loss, making the balding pattern more prominent.

Stage 5 : The frontal and crown regions have larger bald patches, with the hair in between these areas becoming thinner. Hair loss is now more noticeable and overall coverage has greatly decreased.

Stage 6 : As hair loss progresses, the once-prominent bridge between the front and crown regions may noticeably diminish or vanish entirely. This results in more prominent patches of exposed scalp, as the remaining hair is unable to provide adequate coverage.

Stage 7 : mere strip of hair clings to the sides and back of the head, linking the scant hair that remains. The barren regions at the front and top gracefully blend, causing a notable loss of follicles.

Stage 8 : This last phase usually entails significant hair loss, leaving behind only a small amount of hair on the sides and back of the head. The bald spots have expanded, resulting in minimal coverage.

Stages of hair loss

Our Successful Results of Hair Transplant

Frequently Asked Questions:

The duration of a hair transplant surgery can vary depending on the extent of the procedure. On average, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours to complete. Factors such as the number of grafts being transplanted and the technique used can affect the duration of the surgery.
After a hair transplant surgery, it is common to experience mild swelling, redness, and soreness in the treated areas. These symptoms usually subside within a few days to a week. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and to follow post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon. The transplanted hair typically sheds within a few weeks, and new hair growth starts within a few months.
Yes, the results of a hair transplant surgery are considered permanent. The transplanted hair follicles are usually resistant to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for causing hair loss in androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness). However, it's important to note that the procedure does not prevent future hair loss in areas not treated during the surgery. Additional treatments or maintenance may be required in the future to address any further hair loss.
Hair transplant surgeries have a high success rate when performed by experienced surgeons in suitable candidates. The success of the procedure depends on various factors, such as the surgeon's skill, the patient's overall health, and the quality of the donor’s hair. It is essential to choose a qualified and reputable surgeon to maximize the chances of a successful outcome.
Alifya L 2024-01-16 11:12:38
Rating 5

I recently visited Clinique Internationale in Pune and they provided me an exceptional hair transplant experience. Their skilled team exhibits professionalism and expertise throughout the procedure, and they also ensured a comfortable and efficient process. The post- hair transplant results were impressive, it showcase their commitment to deliver quality service in the field of hair restoration.

Anup 2023-06-28 12:04:10
Rating 5

I went for a hair transplant surgery in Pune at Clinique internationale. They accommodated me very well and the result is great. So many people have come to me with compliments and where I got this done Clinique internationale definitely gets the full 5 stars for me. friendly people with enough skills.

John 2023-06-22 15:33:10
Rating 5

The hair transplant surgeon in Pune Dr. Ajinkya Patil is an absolutely highly professional doctor! He transformed my look and brought back my lost hair. The whole experience was great. Best decision ever.

Amit 2023-06-22 15:33:31
Rating 4

I had been looking for a hair transplant surgeon in Pune for a while and came across Clinique Internationale. I decided to give it a try and was not disappointed. Dr. Ajinkya Patil was very professional, the staff was friendly and helpful, and the overall experience was great. The results were better than expected - my hair looks natural and healthy!

Abhishek 2023-06-14 10:54:22
Rating 4

I am happy about your suggestion and the service provided by Clinique Internationale, A big thanks to Dr. Ajinkya Patil and your team I am so satisfied after this Hair transplant surgery in Pune.

Anjali 2023-06-28 12:05:10
Rating 5

My uncle recently had a hair transplant in Pune and the results have been amazing. He looks younger and more confident! The procedure was painless and the recovery time was minimal. We were all so impressed with the results that we highly recommend Clinique internationale for a hair transplant.

Harsh 2023-06-08 12:02:45
Rating Star Rating

I have never regretted visiting for my hair transplant at Clinique Internationale. Their services are up to standards and I would recommend anyone that is looking for a good hair transplant surgeon in Pune- Dr. Ajinkya Patil only.

Ashish verma 2023-06-02 18:15:24
Rating 5

My son recently had hair transplant surgery in Pune from Dr. Ajinkya Patil. Dr. Ajinkya is an experienced professional who knows his work well and does it with high precision. Overall, the procedure went smoothly, the surgery center is well maintained, the receptionist was well-behaved, and the doctor and staffs were punctual and hardworking. We are very happy with the results. I highly recommend others to visit here for any kind of treatment.

Ruturaj 2023-06-02 18:15:28
Rating 4

My uncle was suffering from hair loss issues. We consulted Clinique Internationale for hair transplant surgery and the overall experience and results were satisfactory for hair transplant surgery in Pune.

Pawan 2023-05-30 12:15:33
Rating 4

I am very happy with the results of my hair transplant surgery. The hair transplant surgery cost in Pune at clinique internationale was affordable compared to other clinics. The staff was helpful and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!!

Priya 2023-05-30 12:16:20
Rating 4

I had a great experience with Hair Clinique. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, and the procedure was done quickly and without any complications. My results were amazing... my hair looks natural and full! I would highly recommend Hair Clinique to anyone looking for hair transplant surgery in Pune.

Satyam Rao 2023-05-26 12:19:48
Rating 5

I recently had a hair transplant done by Dr. Ajinkya Patil at Hair Clinique and it was an amazing experience. I have to say that Dr. Ajinkya Patil is the best hair transplant surgeon in Pune. He was very professional and knowledgeable, taking the time to explain every step of the process and answer all my questions. The results were beyond my expectations - I'm so happy with how natural it looks! I would highly recommend Dr. Ajinkya Patil and Hair Clinique to anyone considering a hair transplant.

Rohit Biswas 2023-05-24 11:45:08
Rating 5

I recently had a hair transplant surgery at Clinique Internationale and it was an amazing experience. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, the clinic was spotless, and the results were beyond my expectations. I can't thank them enough for giving me back my confidence and helping me feel like myself again. Highly recommended!

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